
Organic Seaweed Extract

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Suzhou Dora Agritech Co.,Ltd

By certification [File Integrity]







Website:http://www.doraagri.net/ http://szduola.tj-runtai.com/


Organic Seaweed Extract - Dora KelpReal Powder


General Information


Dora KelpRealTM is an organic seaweed extract, available in liquid and powder forms, that enhances soil quality, crop health, and stress resilience.

Through a proprietary low-temperature enzymatic extraction method, Dora KelpReal retains high levels of beneficial natural compounds like alginates, growth promoters, monosaccharides, mannitol, amino acids, and vitamins.

Dora KelpReal nourishes plants and soil biology to maximize crop quality and vigor. The organic biostimulant improves abiotic stress tolerance for healthier, more productive crops.


Dora KelpReal 10-3-3 is a 100% pure concentrated seaweed extract, rich in minerals, amino acids, trace elements, and other bioactive compounds. Dora Agri's proprietary low-temperature enzymatic and cold-processed extraction methods preserve the integrity and bioavailability of natural ingredients and nutrients. This allows for rapid plant absorption. KelpReal 10-3-3 is OMRI Listed, meeting USDA National Organic Standards.


As a natural organic seaweed extract, KelpReal 10-3-3 offers many benefits. It contains plant growth hormones that stimulate crop development. The highly bioavailable ingredients are rapidly taken up by plants. KelpReal 10-3-3 enhances early germination and seedling establishment, improves abiotic stress tolerance, and boosts survival rates in young plants.


Our filtered organic seaweed extracts contain a rich blend of minerals, amino acids, vitamins, cytokinins, and natural plant growth regulators. Dora KelpReal's proprietary process preserves these potent ingredients to maximize benefits. The extracts stimulate crop growth, bolster disease resistance, and mitigate damage from environmental stresses. Dora KelpReal enhances plant tolerance to frost, pests, disease and drought for healthier, higher-yielding crops. In soil, Dora KelpReal activates beneficial microbes to enrich and improve the root zone habitat. It nurtures plant roots by building fertile, living soil for vigorous growth.


Dora Agritech is a leading supplier of organic seaweed extract biostimulants with over 8 years of export experience. Our seaweed extract series is designed to nurture symbiosis between soils and plants. The extracts contain beneficial elements like N, P, K, Mg, Zinc that stimulate plant growth and improve soil health. They are also rich in cytokinins - plant hormones that enhance above and below ground development, especially root growth. As a natural soil amendment, our organic seaweed extracts nourish and maintain healthy soil conditions. They increase the soil's nutrient and moisture retention capacity. Our products follow eco-friendly practices that align economic development with environmental protection.


Dora KelpReal provides multi-faceted benefits


1. Enhances seed germination, root growth, flowering, leaf and rhizome development, and fruit size.

2. Rapid nutrient supplementation improves crop nutrient uptake, quality, and yield.

3. Activates soil microbes, increasing diversity and promoting soil health.

4. Improves plant vitality and resilience to cold, drought, salt, and heat stress. Reduces disease incidence.

5. Boosts and stabilizes chlorophyll levels for greener leaves and increased sugar content.







Yellow Powder

Active Substance


Natural hormones

≥25 ppm

Organic matter









Application Recommendation


Foliar Spray: 1:800-1000, Apply 3 times during the whole growth period (Seedling stage, Rapid growth period, Fruit set period)

Sprinkling irrigation or drip Irrigation: 4-8kg/ha, Apply 1 time at planting.

More cautions:

1. Shake Dora KelpReal thoroughly before use. It can be mixed with pesticides to improve adhesion, absorption, and efficacy. Do not mix with highly alkaline chemicals.

2. Optimal application times are 8-10pm or 3-5pm. Reapply if rain falls within 3 hours of spraying.

3. Do not store in metal containers. Keep in a cool, dry area out of direct sunlight.


Field Trial


1. Soaking seeds in seaweed extract hastens germination, increases root mass, plant growth, and survival rates. Dipping plant roots reduces graft disease and accelerates root development.

2. Seaweed extracts increased flowers per plant in geraniums, improved grape sweetness, and boosted cucumber yields by 40% while decreasing fruit decay.

3. Documented yield increases and improved stress resistance following seaweed extract treatment have been measured in carrots, potatoes, sweet corn, peppers, tomatoes, apples, strawberries, okra, and oranges.

4. In September 2020, our customers in Malaysia applied Dora KelpReal to durian trees in conjunction with pesticides. Compared to the pesticide-only control group, the durian trees treated with KelpReal grew stronger and avoided phytotoxicity issues. After using Dora KelpReal, the durian trees developed more side branches and exhibited more vigorous growth overall.

5. Dora KelpReal has diverse benefits for raspberries, stimulating growth, maintaining leaf health, enhancing fruit quality, and restoring organic flavor.

In 2021, a customer in Shanxi, China applied Dora KelpReal to raspberries. The results showed improved berry quality and earlier harvest times.




1. What are the benefits of Dora's low-temperature enzymatic extraction process for seaweed?

Dora's process preserves more active compounds and nutrients versus chemical, heat, mincing or freezing methods. This aligns better with organic standards.


2. Are additional hormones or nutrients added to Dora KelpReal?

Dora KelpReal Liquid & Powder are pure seaweed extracts. We offer customization to your specifications.


3. Can KelpReal be mixed with other agricultural chemicals?

Yes, it can be combined with most fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides etc. Follow recommended mixing ratios or contact us.


4. Is KelpReal suitable for hydroponics?

Yes, it has 100% water solubility.


5. Can KelpReal replace fertilizers?

No, KelpReal is a biostimulant with low nutrient levels. Use with fertilizers for optimal results. We also provide Dora Alga200 for top-dressing.


6. When is the ideal time to apply KelpReal?

Early morning or late afternoon are best.


7. How should seaweed extract be used in cannabis cultivation?

Use from seed germination through flowering. Mist seeds with diluted extract to improve germination. Foliar spray undersides of leaves at recommended dosages.

